In March of 2013 my wonderful friend said to me, hey I have this thing that I want to share with you. She began to tell me about her journey with Young Living Essential Oils. I was interested, but we had some family issues going on that the time. In the beginning of April my grandmother (who lives with us and who I care for) was admitted to hospital. We thought that it would be a week journey at the most and it ended up being three months in ICU, three surgeries, and a rough transition back to normal life.
So, from March 2013 to March 2014 a Young Living brochure sat on my desk, in my to do pile. Eventually, and almost at my wits end, I began to scour the internet for something, anything, other than drugs to treat A.D.D. in one of my boys. I knew that changing our diets would help tremendously but I also wanted to know if there was anything else out there.
Much to my surprise I kept coming across people using Young Living Oils for everything from allergies and A.D.D. to cancer and seeing great results. So I finally carved time out of my schedule to sit down with my friend and ask her all the questions I could think of.
Less than two weeks later I got my first package from Young Living in the mail and started using essential oils. Since that time I have learned so much, and I haven't even scratched the surface of what these amazing oils can do.
Since A.D.D. was one of the main reasons that I started down this road I wanted to take a little time and talk about what we have done, how it has helped our family.
The most common essential oil combination that you will see for A.D.D. is Vetiver, Cedarwood, and Lavender. This combination is what we started and I did notice a difference within a few days.
It was actually remarkable to see my sweet babe that would normally struggle through our homeschool day all of a sudden be able to work through assignments with more clarity and focus.
After a few weeks though I began to wonder if it was all in my head. (Am I the only one who does this?) I thought that maybe I had just expected him to be better so maybe I had been more patient with him, or maybe I just see what I wanted to see. I wasn't exactly sure, so I backed off the oils a bit. If there was any question about what he was like when I was consistent with the oils there wasn't any question about what he was like without them.
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