Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Month of Natalie - Pet Peeves

Describe 10 pet peeves you have.

It drives me crazy when people eat loudly, unnecessarily. I mean, come on, doesn’t the oatmeal taste the same if you don’t make that wooosooop sound.

Smoking. Seriously, it is disgusting and I hate walking through puffs of smoke. I feel like smoking is something that should NOT be done in public.

Talking during church. You can decide what you are having lunch after the preaching is over.

Those little toddler shoes that squeak when they walk. I understand the appeal, but leave them at home.

I have a difficult time with people who don’t watch their children in public. I don’t have a problem if a child is being difficult, (that happens to every child and parent at some time or the other) but when a parent is NOT trying to control their wilily child it ruins it for everyone.

People who post both bible verse and obscenities on their Facebook page.

It drives me crazy when the waiter walks up to the table when we are praying. We didn’t just all fall asleep holding hands. Give us sixty seconds.

When the cashier or bagger puts my plums and the half gallon, cardboard, pokey cornered milk in the same bag. 

It absolutely drives me crazy that every time I find a lip gloss I LOVE, the discontinue it. Do you know how hard it is to find a red that isn’t to pink, to orange, or to light? It is almost impossible and nothing has ever come close to the Smashbox red that I loved and they cut.

And my number one pet peeve is people who complain about everything! Seriously, I mean, I even heard of this one girl that put a list of her top ten pet peeves on her blog. Ugh. 

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